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Where do the donations go?



Join the Chemsense community and help us make a difference by supporting our mission to reduce harmful chemical usage. Many regulations are being put in place to help mitigate the impact of harmful chemicals on our environment, and we want to help fund those alternatives. Your donations will go to charities that fight to end dangerous chemical usage and will support research for a better tomorrow. Together, let’s help make the world a better place.






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How can I get more involved beyond making a donation?


Thank you for your interest in getting more involved with our organization beyond making a donation! One way to get involved is to become one of our bloggers. Your willingness to share your voice and expertise can truly make a difference in raising awareness and driving positive change. To get started, simply contact us, and we'll be in touch with more information. We appreciate your commitment to our mission and look forward to having you join our blogging team!


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