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Mission Statement

Chemsense is devoted to writing about and advocating for the latest environmental issues and the harmful chemicals in everyday products that pose risks to our well-being. We prioritize particular topics revolving around agribusiness, examining and discussing its divergent influence on our food systems and the environment. We seek to shed light on the dangers lurking in common goods, from cosmetics to household cleaners, and empower individuals to make safer choices for themselves and their families.


Submit a Blog Post!


Research and Familiarize:

Explore our blogging platform and familiarize yourself with its layout. Reference previous blog posts and begin researching some topics about harmful chemicals in common products that may interest you.


Reach Out:

After you’ve brainstormed some ideas, submit your blog drafts to the Google form provided below. Our team will review your submissions and determine the next steps to take.

Blog Submissions


Follow Guidelines and Feedback:

Once our team has reviewed your idea/draft, we will directly email you any questions we have, as well as suggestions regarding formatting or blog content. Be open to feedback and revisions to ensure your blog aligns with our standards and goals.


Collaborate and Engage:

Congratulations! You have created a blog post! Now, as a member of Chemsense, engage with other contributors, participate in discussions, and build relationships with fellow bloggers. For every blog you contribute to, you gain 1.5 volunteer hours, so keep on writing!

Let Us Know What You Think!

Thanks for submitting!

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